Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cream of Asparagus Soup

4 cups of liquid- I use 3 c. chicken broth, 1/2 cup water & 1/2 cup cream
you can use 2 c. milk & 2 c. broth or all milk if you want
1 Tbsp chopped onion or chives
1 cup cooked pureed asparagus -(or other veggie such as celery or spinach if
you want to make another cream soup)-
I have made cr. spinach and it is good too
Salt and pepper to taste
Simmer the onion in a little broth till tender. Add rest of liquid, heat to boiling-
then add pureed veggie and simmer about 10 min.

PS: the orig recipe calls for making a rioux with 2T flour and 2T marg. then add
liquid (makes it a little thicker- but taste is the same)
I usually double the recipe when I have lots of asparagus and freeze a little for winter.

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